Aam Pora Shorbot

Aam Pora Shorbot is a traditional summer beverage from the Indian subcontinent, popular in Bengal and Bangladesh. It is made from a ripe mango, grilled or grilled until charred and soft, enhancing its natural sweetness and adding a smoky flavor. The pulp is then blended with water, sugar, salt, and spices, sometimes mint leaves or lemon juice for freshness. The mixture is strained to remove fibers and solids, resulting in a smooth texture. Aam Pora Shorbot is not only delicious but also nutritious, as mangoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is a popular street food and is prepared in households during the summer season.

Here’s a simple recipe for Aam Pora Shorbot:

– 2 ripe mangoes
– 4 cups water
– 4-6 tablespoons sugar (adjust according to taste)
– 1/2 teaspoon roasted cumin powder
– 1/4 teaspoon black salt (optional)
– Ice cubes
– Mint leaves for garnish (optional)

1. Wash the mangoes and pat them dry. Choose ripe mangoes with a sweet and fragrant aroma.

2. Roast the mangoes over an open flame or grill until the skin is charred and the flesh is soft. Alternatively, you can bake them in an oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 30 minutes until they are soft.

3. Let the roasted mangoes cool down a bit. Once the burned skin has cooled enough to handle, remove it.

4. Scoop out the roasted mango pulp into a blender or food processor. Add water, sugar, roasted cumin powder, and black salt (if using) to the blender.

5. Combine all of the ingredients and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust the sweetness and seasoning according to your preference by adding more sugar or salt if needed.

6. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove any fibers or lumps. This will give you a smooth and velvety texture for your Aam Pora Shorbot.

7. Chill the strained mixture in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours before serving.

8. To serve, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled Aam Pora Shorbot over the ice. Garnish with mint leaves if desired.

9. Stir well before drinking to ensure that the flavors are evenly distributed.

10. Enjoy your refreshing Aam Pora Shorbot on a hot summer day!

Feel free to change the ingredients and amounts according to your taste. Some people also like to add a squeeze of lemon juice for extra tanginess.

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